HBC Mobility

Payment Solution

Diversified payment methods ensure to meet the users’ needs to pay for their EV charging bills. HBC Mobility develops and supports various payment methods via both hardware and software to realize such demands:

Online credit card via Mobile Apps is one of the most convenient ways to make the payment. Users only need to fill their credit card info in the App, and then just enjoy the EV charging after that. HBC Mobility supports mainstream payment gateways for operators to use.

POS is also a popular way to make the payment. HBC Mobility now successfully integrated Payter and Nayax POS already. Online POS payment through OCPP, and local offline POS payment are both supported by us.

Independent POS terminal directly embedded on charger’s body is now available on HBC Mobility AC chargers and DC chargers as an option for our customers to select.

When a group of chargers all have payment requirements like in parking lots, shopping mall, etc. HBC Mobility’s POS kiosk is a perfect solution for it. Just one POS kiosk can manage the payment of all the chargers at the same location.